Thursday, April 14, 2011

Kemah, Texas: The Boardwalk

Being that this weekend is the upcoming Kemah Crawfish Festival, I thought I would post about the city and share some of my favorite pictures I have taken there.  Although, not as big as the crawfish festival in my hometown of Spring, it is still a fun time to be had by all.  This is a project where I stepped out of the box and wanted to work on long exposures using the tripod.  So I thought, what better objects to capture at night with long exposure than moving and whimsical carnival rides?  I think I could do it better now, with the knowledge and growth I have achieved in my photography, but I was still quite proud of the results that I achieved.  If you are looking for a new adventure in your photographic journey, doing long exposure photography on the boardwalk is a great place to start.
     I will absolutely be back! Be prepared though, people get both weird and curious about your camera on a tripod!  They will either think you are working for the park and taking pics for advertising, are a journalist, or they might even come up to you in a sketchy sort of way and ask "Did you photograph me? I didn't want to be photographed." That is the reaction one, somewhat off-putting guy who looked as though he could have been a member of the group Nirvana, said to me. Most people however, will love to strike up a conversation with you!  So go out, have a good time at the festival this weekend and remember to bring your camera and capture the sights and colors of the boardwalk.

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